Ayurveda means science of life
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The Ayurvedic medical system which has a history over 5000 years in India, addresses and treats every condition known to man ,old or new.Modern medicine may have a new name for such medicial conditions but Ayurveda still recognises the vast range of human conditions as the system of Ayurvedic medicine is based on the ‘laws of nature’, it is not subjected to any change, and therefore the latest scientific fads and findings , can never change the inherent wisdom in Ayurvedic medicine – for Ayurveda is nature itself.
Are you looking for a solution for recurrent health problems OR
looking for a holistic Ayurvedic Experience?
Then we are able to help you.
Why Ayurguide
We provide
Since Sepetmeber 2001 we have specialised in Traditional Ayurvedic consultations in UK .
During your Consultation all factors relating to your condition-your individual constitution, your diet, your daily routine and life style are accurately appraised and then recommendations given. We thoroughly educate and enlighten all our patients , so you can simply look after yourself, not for one week nor one month, but for the rest of your life. This procedure changes patients back to people.
‘Ayurvedic medicine’ treats most acute and chronic conditions with their plant formulas,dietary advice and detoxification therapies like ‘Panchakarama’.
You will have a consulstation with Dr Champika Gallage DA MD(AM) MSc ,qualified and registered practitioner of Ayurvedic Medical Council Sri Lanka and Ayurvedic Practioners Association UK.Champika has over 20 years of experience practicing Ayurveda in Sri Lanka and UK .(For more information please read the section ‘About us’)
Commonly treated problems with Ayurveda are,Stress, Anxiety,Insomnia,Headaches(Migrain),loss of Appitite,Constipation,IBS,Low immunity and Low energy,Arthritis,Joint problems,Chronic fatigue syndrome,Menstruation and Menopausal problems,Hormonal imbalances,Infertility ,Libido,High blood pressure,Liver disorders,Cough,Hay fever, Rinitis,Allergy,Skin conditions ,High blood pressure ,Artritis,Joint aches,Frozen shoulder,urinary track disorders etc.
We adhere to Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of prescribing balanced plant formulas. All our high quality Traditional Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines are from Sri Lanka and we get an approval from the Auyrvedic Cooperation in Sri Lanka for all our herbs before sending to UK .
We also can help you with Vedic Astrology as Vedic Astrology can indicate the types of health problems that we are most vulnerable to and it can indicate timing of disease.
By visiting our clinic in North London for a Holistic Ayurvedic Consultation not only do you gain ,lifelong medical wisdom pertinent to yourself, but you are also helping us to uphold the priceless Ayurvedic tradition.
Our treatments are affordable, safe, non addictive and effective